School Accountability Accountability-the idea of holding schools, districts, educators, and students responsible for results-has become the watchword in education. In more and more states, policymakers are moving to reward achievement and punish failure in an effort to ensure that children are getting a good education and that tax dollars aren't being wasted. "Accountability for student performance is one of the two or three-if not the most-prominent issues in policy at the state and local levels right now," says Richard F. Elmore, a professor at Harvard University's graduate school of education. As of the 2000-01 school year, all 50 states test students to see what they've learned, and 45 states publish report cards on individual schools, based largely on test scores. More than half the states publicly rate their schools, or at least identify low-performing ones. And 14 states have the legal authority to close, take over, or replace the staff in schools they have identified as failing. The push for accountability grew out of a common perception that, until recently, states had monitored the "inputs" in public education-such as the number of books in the school library or the number of computers in the classroom-but had paid too little attention to whether students were actually learning anything. In the 1980s, the nation's governors proposed a "horse trade": They would provide more flexibility in how schools operated, if educators would agree to be held more accountable for student achievement. In practice, the push for accountability has encountered some problems. No consensus has been reached on how to design a strong accountability system that educators and the public perceive as fair and legitimate. In many places, accountability has focused almost exclusively on raising scores on state-mandated tests. States are increasingly holding students accountable for performance. In 2000, 18 states required students to pass a test in order to graduate from high school. Three states tie student promotion to test scores and four others are planning to do so. Some states and districts are also attempting to tie teacher evaluations and pay to students' scores on state tests. But many educators and teachers' unions contend that too many factors contributing to student performance are outside their control. Critics also argue that the focus on "high-stakes testing" will narrow and impoverish the curriculum, encourage cheating, and fall most heavily on poor and minority students, who traditionally have done least well on standardized exams. Opponents of such testing also complain that states have rushed to hold students accountable before they've put in place the curriculum, instruction, teacher training, and other resources that would enable young people to meet the higher standards. In some places, concerns about the results of high-stakes testing have produced a backlash. In California, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, and other states, grassroots opposition campaigns are encouraging parents to keep their children home on test days. Legal challenges against testing programs are pending in Arizona and Louisiana. And in such states as Colorado, Minnesota, and Virginia, citizens are putting pressure on legislators to rethink accountability. For now, most state policymakers say they are committed to their agenda: setting higher standards for students, measuring whether they are learning, and then providing incentives for schools and students to achieve. Opinion polls also show that the public and educators continue to support the principle of higher standards by large margins. But the next few years could well determine whether states and districts can design accountability systems that work in practice, as well as on paper. Teacher Quality A substantial body of research suggests that a school's quality can be directly linked to the quality of its teachers. But states and school districts face significant challenges in maintaining and measuring consistent levels of teacher quality. The evidence shows, for example, that students whose teachers have been trained in their subjects perform better than students whose teachers lack subject-matter preparation. Yet each year about a third of teachers in U.S. schools are assigned at least one class a day for which they have not been trained. Teachers also tend to be more effective when they have more than a few years of experience in the classroom. But more than 20 percent of newly minted teachers leave the profession after four years, creating constant turnover and an experience drain. There is far less evidence that pedagogy-or knowledge of teaching methods-is as important as content knowledge, although many experts believe that lack of strong pedagogical training may contribute to the teacher quality problem. The growing demand for more qualified teachers couldn't come at a more challenging time for schools. Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools is projected to grow by 4 percent between 1997 and 2009, to 48.1 million. And with the average teacher now 44 years old, many districts are bracing for a wave of retirements in the coming years. In light of current and potential teacher shortages, many observers say that states and school districts must take systematic steps to ensure a qualified teaching force for years to come. Teacher quality will only suffer, they say, if school systems merely scramble to fill classrooms with warm bodies. To address high attrition rates, many schools have introduced induction and mentoring programs to help provide support for new teachers. As of 2001, 10 states require and fund induction programs. Many states and districts are also attempting to raise teacher salaries and improve working conditions in an effort to curb early departures. To ensure that teachers are well-prepared, meanwhile, some states and districts have established stronger minimum requirements for initial licensure. For example, as of 2001, 23 states require that all high school teachers must have at least 30 credits or a major in the subject area for which they are licensed. States also are encouraging clinical experiences during teacher training, commonly referred to as student teaching. Twenty-one states require at least 12 weeks of student teaching prior to completion of a teacher preparation program. Finally, many states have turned to testing as yet another measure for ensuring quality. As of 2001, 37 states require prospective teachers to pass a basic-skills test, 29 require candidates to master a test of subject knowledge, and 24 require passing a subject-specific pedagogy exam in order to teach. Notwithstanding these efforts, an opposing faction of educators and opinionmakers believes that a better way to improve teacher quality would be to keep licensure requirements to a bare minimum. In this view, school administrators should be free to hire the people they want and pay them based on performance marketplace demands. Accountability for school performance would ensure they hire and retain only competent teachers. Class Size It's easy to see why efforts aimed at reducing class sizes are an appealing remedy for curing what ails the nation's schools. Many educators and policymakers have long argued that, with fewer students, teachers can give each of them more individual attention. Through the federal Class-Size Reduction Program, all states are receiving federal dollars to recruit, hire, and train new teachers, especially in grades K-3. In December of 2000, Congress appropriated $1.6 billion for the 2001-2002 school year. States, too, are jumping on the bandwagon. Since the early 1980s, at least 20 have begun their own class-size reduction efforts. Research, for the most part, seems to support the belief in the benefits of small classes. While not all studies on the subject have shown that students learn more in smaller settings, most studies have found benefits. The biggest and most credible of them, a statewide study begun in Tennessee in the late 1970s, has even found that the learning gains students make in classes of 13 to 17 students persist long after the students move back into average-size classes. What's more, the Tennessee researchers found, poor and African-American students appeared to reap the greatest learning gains in smaller classes. After kindergarten, the gains black students made in smaller classes were typically twice as large as those for whites. But, as school improvement ideas go, reducing class sizes is costlier than many and more complicated than it appears on first blush. With the current predictions of looming teacher shortages in many areas, the worry is that the press for quantity will come at the expense of quality, forcing schools and districts to hire underqualified teachers. California learned that lesson firsthand when the state undertook its own class-size-reduction initiative beginning in 1996. In the first year of implementation, more than a fifth of the new teachers hired in that state had only emergency credentials. Hit hardest were schools serving poor and minority students. And, in the hunt for new space, administrators found themselves carving classrooms out of broom closets and erecting portable classrooms on top of playgrounds. California's experience has some researchers wondering whether other improvement strategies, such as better professional development for teachers, might be more cost-effective. Both California's and Tennessee's class-size-reduction efforts were aimed at pupils in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Less is known about the effects of smaller classes on older students. Researchers agree, however, that shrinking the number of students in a class does not automatically translate into better learning. To squeeze the most out of their new settings, teachers may need to alter their teaching practices and drop lecture-style approaches. But studies so far show that many teachers teach smaller classes the same way they did larger ones.