College Access - Paying For College The term college access today encapsulates a number of different-though often related-concerns. For many middle- and lower-income families, college access essentially means figuring out how to pay for a postsecondary education. To some members of minority groups and their advocates, meanwhile, it is about overcoming discrimination, social disadvantages, and associated college-enrollment gaps. And in a somewhat different vein, college access begs the question of whether high school graduates are fully prepared to enter college. To help lower the financial barriers to college access, the U.S. Department of Education sponsors a number of student financial-assistance programs, which are the largest source of student aid in the nation. The programs provide over $40 billion a year in grants, loans, and work-study assistance to students pursuing a postsecondary education. Each year more than half the students attending college get some form of financial aid to help defer the high costs of higher education. Yet in spite of these programs, low-income families are still 32 percent less likely to send their children to college than families with higher incomes, according to a February 2001 report from the U.S. Education Department's Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. A major reason for this is that the unmet need-or the difference between the cost of one year of education and the amount of aid and family contributions paid toward that cost-for low-income families is much higher than for high-income families. According to the report, the average unmet need to attend a public 4-year university is $3,800 for low-income students but only $400 for high-income students. To combat this trend, some experts-including the Education Department's Advisory Committee-see a need for a greater emphasis on need-based aid as opposed to merit-based aid. Racial and ethnic disparities persist in college access as well. Hispanics and African-Americans are not enrolling at the same rate as whites and Asians. According to a report from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research & Improvement (OERI), roughly three quarters of high school graduates in 1994 started postsecondary education within two years of graduating from high school. But while 86 percent of Asian graduates and 76 percent of white graduates enrolled in postsecondary education, only 71 percent of Latino and African-American graduates did. Imbalances are also evident in the number of minority students that complete degrees. According to a 2000 report from the NCES Digest of Education Statistics, of the students who received Associate degrees in 1997-98, 76 percent were white, 10 percent were African-American, 7 percent Hispanic and 4.5 percent Asian. For Bachelor's degrees, the difference becomes even greater: 78 percent were white, 8 percent were black, 5.5 percent were Hispanic, and 6 percent were Asian. Experts generally blame the gaps in college completion between white and minority students on the often-inferior quality of K-12 education for minorities, insufficient financial aid for college expenses, and what they see as a failure by many colleges to provide support for minority students once they matriculate. Current efforts by college and universities to improve the enrollment and completion rates of minority students include using race-based admissions and aid policies (although less aggressively than in the past, on account of legal challenges) and implementing precollege outreach programs in minority areas and schools. A more recent concern related to college access is that many high school graduates do not appear to be ready to take on college-level work. While more than seven in 10 recent U.S. high school graduates enroll in a postsecondary education, nearly half of all college students are required to do remedial coursework, according to "Youth at the Crossroads: Facing High School and Beyond," a 2001 report by the Education Trust. Further, the report notes, more than one-quarter of freshman at four-year colleges and nearly half of those at two-year colleges do not make it to their sophomore year. To better prepare students for continuing education, policymakers, administrators, and educators have been working to build stronger ties between colleges and universities and K-12 systems. For example, efforts are now under way in a number of states to align the academic standards students must meet to finish high school with the skills they need to enter and succeed in higher education. College-school integration programs stretching all the way back to the early grades, often known as K-16 initiatives, have also become increasingly popular. In addition, some institutions of higher education have formed individual partnerships with secondary schools. Such partnerships vary widely and may involve administrative cooperation, student teaching, faculty exchanges, student tutoring, or field trips. In general, they are designed to enhance the college preparatory curriculum and give students a better sense of what to in college.